Postingan - Multichain Investment Platform, Automated Staking Protocol with APY

About Sorex is a blockchain-based platform that provides an open and distributed infrastructure for managing software licensing transactions. Sorex seeks to eliminate the need for centralized application marketplaces and licensing servers, instead allowing developers and users to directly connect, license and transact software in a peer-to-peer manner without friction. What Sorex does Sorex is a software licensing marketplace that streamlines the way companies buy and sell their software. It is an e-commerce platform that enables its clients to trade, manage and renew their software licenses. It encourages its clients to source, sell and acquire software licenses in a more efficient, transparent, and secure manner. The platform makes it possible for companies to buy and sell software licenses, manage their portfolio of licenses, and track the cost of software licenses. Sorex is a company that aims to fix software licensing by offering an open marketplace where both buyers

Explore Tele score oriented multi chain DEFI innovations by Telefy

  Introduction Telefy Telefy is the world first credit score oriented multi chain DeFi that has come to stay and first of it kind in the whole ecosystem. Telefy Finance is a platform built to help change the way the whole entire ecosystem operate in a crypto view by introducing some many features that will enhance the site this was created to help in solving some issue being faced in DeFi the Financial solutions and helping to get rid of third parties and brokerage involved in the legacy models. By helping each member to have access to borrow in the space and pay pay in their own convinent and appointed time. TELE is an authenticated and verified token set out for participants as a currency being used in Telefy Finance in other for you to be able to participate in the polling or to swapping of any token in the system. This platform allow you to earn Tele Coin by staking of Tel-LP tokens where the liquidity pool stake will be calculated and give back as a rewards to everyone who partici


PDX Coin Introduction PDX Coin is a global payments and digital banking platform that will allow millions of people to participate in the crypto economy. Using PDX, users will be able to spend their digital assets instantly, with low fees, in millions of locations. PDX is developing a suite of products and services for the DeFi and NFT space. By 2024, a linked PDX platform will allow users to trade tokenized shares of most publicly held companies worldwide. PDX Coin has many advantages, starting with its innovative architecture and technology. The company is a blockchain-based wallet that is built on a peer-to-peer network. While most crypto-based payment efforts rely on legacy financial infrastructure to collect transaction fees, PDX Coin is designed to completely eliminate these middlemen and fees. This will allow merchants to accept payment in their preferred fiat currency without having to wait for the funds to clear. PDX Main Features : - It is based on encrypted and permissionles